PATH-2 Study Team
Keith Willett

Professor Keith Willett CBE is Chief Investigator for the PATH-2 Trial and has an extensive research portfolio with a particular interest in, and has published research relating to the care of the multiply injured patient, acetabular and pelvic fractures, fractures in the elderly, limb fracture surgery, fracture biomechanics, accident prevention and clinical outcome studies of orthopaedic trauma surgery techniques.
Professor Willett was appointed as the first National Clinical Director for Trauma Care from 2009-2012 where he successfully implemented Regional Trauma Networks and Major Trauma Centres across the NHS, and developed government strategy to improve the care of older people with fragility hip fractures. In 2012 he was appointed the National Director for Acute Episodes of Care for NHS England. He has extensive experience of trauma care and medical management and is Professor of Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery at the University of Oxford and continues to work as Honorary Consultant Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. He is also the co-founder of the unique consultant delivered Oxford Trauma Service, established in 1993, and in 2003 he founded the Kadoorie Centre for Critical Care Research and Education focusing on outcomes of treatment in the injured patient, and established the Oxford Trauma Research Group. Professor Willett is currently EU Exit Strategic Commander, Medical Director, Acute Care & Emergency Preparation, NHS England.
Susan Wagland
Susan is the Clinical Trial Manager for the PATH-2 Study. She has worked in academic research in cell biology, obtaining a PhD at Brunel University London, and in quality and project management. She joined the Kadoorie Centre in 2016.
David Keene
David is the Research Fellow for the PATH-2 Study. He qualified as a physiotherapist in 2003 after training at the University of the West of England, Bristol. He was awarded an MSc in Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy from the University of Birmingham in 2011. David’s DPhil in Musculoskeletal Sciences at the University of Oxford was completed in 2014, which focussed on the optimisation of mobility after severe ankle injury.
Jacqueline Thompson
Jacqueline is research physiotherapist for the PATH-2 Study. She is a qualified clinical physiotherapist and has extensive experience in trauma trials having worked on the SPRAINED trial. Jacqueline joined OCTRU in 2014 and joined the study in October 2016.
Catherine Thompsett
Catherine is Data Clerk for the PATH-2 Study. Catherine has a Bsc in Psychology and joined the Kadoorie Centre in October 2018.
Trial Steering Committee (TSC)
Independent Members
Professor Roger Smith (Chair)
Professor of Equine Orthopaedics
Clinical Sciences and Services
The Royal Veterinary College
Catriona Graham
Lead Statistician
Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility
University of Edinburgh
Dr Dylan Morrissey
Centre for Sports and Exercise Medicine
William Harvey Research Institute
Bart's and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Professor John O’Byrne
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital
Mrs Sarah Webb
Patient Representative
Dr Gustaaf Reurink
Sports Medicine Registrar
De Sportartsen Groep, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Non-independent Members
Professor Sallie Lamb
Professor Trauma Rehabilitation, University of Oxford
Director Oxford Clinical Trials Research Unit
Professor Keith Willett
Prof Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery
University of Oxford
Chief Investigator Path-2 Study
Mr Joseph Alsousou
NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Musculoskeletal Science Research Group
Mr Maneesh Bhatia
Consultant Orthopaedics and Trauma
Leicester University Hospitals NHS Trust
Mrs Susan Dutton
Senior Medical Statistician and OCTRU Lead Statistician
Oxford Clinical Trials Research Unit (OCTRU)
University of Oxford
Dr Paul Harrison
Senior Lecturer
School of Immunity and Infection
University of Birmingham Medical School
Dr David Keene
Research Physiotherapist
Kadoorie Centre
University of Oxford
Heather O'Connor
Medical Statistician
Oxford Clinical Trials Research Unit
University of Oxford
Trial Management Group (TMG)
Chief Investigator
Professor Keith Willett (Chair)
Orthopaedic Trauma surgery
University of Oxford
Grant Co-applicant
Mr Joseph Alsousou
NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Musculoskeletal Science Research Group,
Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool. L69 3GA
Grant Co-applicant
Mrs Susan Dutton
Senior Medical Statistician/Lead Statistician of OCTRU
Centre for Statistics in Medicine & OCTRU
University of Oxford
Grant Co-applicant: Sub Study 1 – Blood/PRP analysis
Dr Paul Harrison Senior Lecturer
School of Immunity and Infection
University of Birmingham
Grant Co-applicant: Sub Study 2 – Biopsy Tissue sample analysis
Professor Philippa Hulley
University Lecturer in Musculoskeletal Sciences
University of Oxford
Grant Co-applicant
Professor Sallie Lamb
Co-Director of the Oxford Clinical Trials Research Unit
Kadoorie Professor of Trauma Rehabilitation
University of Oxford & Professor of Rehabilitation (University of Warwick)
Trial Research Fellow
Dr David Keene
Critical Care, Trauma and Rehabilitation (CCTR) Trials Group
University of Oxford
Trial Research Physiotherapist
Jacqueline Thompson
CCTR Trials Group
University of Oxford
OCTRU Operational Lead
Juul Achten
Oxford Trauma Group
University of Oxford
Clinical Trial Manager
Dr Susan Wagland
Oxford Trauma Group
University of Oxford
Study Data Clerk
Catherine Thompsett
Oxford Trauma Group
University of Oxford
Clinical Trial Assistant
Hasina Mangal
Oxford Trauma Group
University of Oxford
Trial Statistician
Heather O'Connor
University of Oxford
Biopsy Tissue sample analysis
Dr James Teh
Consultant Radiologist
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
Windmill Road
Data Safety and Monitoring Committee (DSMC)
Clinician Independent Member
Mr Andy Goldberg
Clinical Senior Lecturer in Trauma and Orthopaedics
Honorary Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust
Statistician Independent Member CHAIR
Dr Chao Huang
South East Wales Trials Unit (SEWTU)
School of Medicine
Cardiff University
Academic Physiotherapist
Dr Carey McClellan
Academic Department of Emergency Care
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust